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Duplicating Jobs with Bulk Job Rollover

The Rollover page makes it possible for you to create duplicates of jobs for the following month or year. This is useful, for example, if you have recurring jobs for a client. 

When a job is rolled over in PlanRight, a new job is created in WFM. The new job will have its own job number but will have the same tasks & staff as the original job.

You can rollover as many jobs as you want at one time. Select them from the list and click Rollover Jobs. This will display a list of options. You can roll your jobs over by:

- Month (using task Start Date): Creates a duplicate of a job for the following month using the Start Date of the original job.

- Month (using task Planned Date): Creates a duplicate of a job for the following month using the Planned Date of the original job.

- Year (using task Start Date) : Creates a duplicate of a job for the following year using the Start Date of the original job.

- Year (using task Planned Date): Creates a duplicate of a job for the following year using the Planned Date of the original job. 

Clicking on Save & Rollover shows an alert message before rolling over.

More information about Task Dates can be found here

The rolled over jobs appear in the Audit page.

Here’s a summary of how the rollover feature works. Note point 8 which lists the information that won’t be copied.


1. Jobs can only be rolled-over once

2. Jobs can be rolled by month or by year - which will update the start/due dates of the job and all tasks by one month, or one year

3. Jobs can be rolled over in batches of up to 100 jobs at at time

4. If the job name has exactly “YYYY/YYYY”, MM/YY, MM/YYYY or “YY/YY” to show months/years, then add 1 to each month/year in the new job name (ie 2019/2020 becomes 2020/2021, etc.)

5. New jobs will be created in WFM (with no job template applied)

6. Each new job will have detail from the old job copied across including: name, description, budget, category, client (note the client won’t be duplicated – the new job will be attached to the existing client), manager, partner, client order number, type, updated start date, updated due date, contact, user defined fields of job, tasks (with updated start/due dates), assigned staff.

7. When a Job is cloned the states of the new job and tasks will be set to a Not Completed state even if tasks of the job being cloned are completed. In XPM new jobs will be set to planned and tasks to not completed. In PlanRight Tasks will be set to Planned.

8. The following will not be copied: notes, comments, milestones, attachments, timesheets, folders, invoices, purchase orders, quotes or any other job information that is not listed above

9. Costs will be copied, fields are description, code, note, unit cost, unit price, quantity, supplier (a new supplier won’t be created the existing supplier will be referenced). The date for each cost can not be set via the WFM API so can’t be set via this tool. Billable Status can not be reset to NO – API limitation.

10. Client Order Number will be removed from each old Job. (the user will be warned about this).

11. Each job that is created from a cloning process will have a note added to it, in WFM/XPM stating the job it was cloned from, the user who cloned it and the date it was cloned.


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